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Why shouldn't anesthetics be used for anal sex?

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“Back door” sex is still taboo for many people. To get rid of the greatest fear of the practice, women and men resort to anal and oral with anesthetics. That way, they can experience pleasure with the guarantee of pain-free anal sex.

However, the use of anesthetic ointments can harm the health of the anal region, especially in the long term. Furthermore, why do a practice while anesthetized and not fully experiencing the pleasure it can bring?

Anal sex is a practice that requires trust between the couple and also a little practice. Like most of the resources we use in our lives, anesthetics should be used in moderation. If you can, choose not to use them. We'll tell you why in this post.

Anal sex with painkillers


The danger of anal sex with anesthetic

First, let's talk about the problems of anal sex with anesthetic. The compounds most used for this purpose usually contain xylocaine or lidocaine. Both are easily absorbed by the mucosa, so their effect is fast.

However, continuous use leads to irritation, intoxication, or even, in the worst case, a complete desensitization of the region. That is, with the continuous practice of anal sex with anesthetics, the person can stop feeling both pain and pleasure in anal penetration.

Losing the sensitivity of the anus is dangerous because, even if the penetration is hurting, the person will not feel it. This can lead to fissures or internal injuries, considerably increasing the possibility of contamination with STIs - Sexually Transmitted Infections.

Anal sex with painkillers


Desensitizing X anesthetic

For those who are afraid, even after trying relaxation techniques, foreplay and even the use of sex toys, an alternative to anal sex with anesthetics is the use of desensitizers. The safest are those produced with natural bases, for example clove oil or jambu extract.

The main difference is that they act more slowly, with less absorption from the mucosa. In addition, its main objective is to reduce the friction of the penis with the anus, not to remove the bad or good sensations from the site.

Anal sex with painkillers


Anesthetic is not a lubricant!

Finally, it is worth emphasizing that neither anesthetics nor desensitizers are lubricants. These ointments are used to reduce sensitivity and help with the first practices of anal sex, but their use does not replace a good lubricant.

Pain-free anal sex needs to ensure minimal friction between the penis and the anus, so choose a good lubricant. And very important: it must be water based! Lubricants with oil cause friction with latex.

Also, always use a condom! The anus is a place with a large number of bacteria and microorganisms. Don't get lucky by chance. If you want to leave anal sex and perform vaginal penetration, remember to change condoms!

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