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Are you bissexual? check the signs

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Have you ever wondered if you are bisexual? If there are any or several indications related to this? Well, if this question has never been asked by you, we'll talk a little bit about it now.

Not that what I'm going to bring now is exactly like that, but surely, if some of these signs are felt by you, you have a great chance of being bisexual.


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The first point is this: even if you are dating someone of the opposite sex, you are attracted to someone of your own sex. Or even vice versa. Which can be common too. For example, two girls date and they believe they are lesbians. However, one of them likes men too, has attraction. This is more common than you might think.

Another point of great relevance in the sense that you are bisexual, or discovering that you are, is that you are not satisfied in your relationship. This is a tricky point. I've seen a lot of people who were dating or sometimes married and it always seemed like something was missing. So what I say is, it doesn't matter what others think or will say. If you're not satisfied, it's time to assume you're bisexual, if you come to that conclusion.


Source/reproduction: Pinterest

What else tells you that you are bisexual?

Have you ever ended up being interested in people of both sexes? Even if for a short time? Because know that, that's quite a sign. When that happens, you can be pretty sure you're bisexual.

Just like, seeing some movies in which people of the same sex do some scenes and that gives you pleasure, can also be quite a sign. You just need to learn to separate things, a little fantasy from reality. And ready. To differentiate what it really is, from what just stays in your head and then leaves it.

Now, if you are one of those people who say you are straight or even, lesbian or gay, but the body of people of the same sex, or of the other, calls your attention for some reason, something is wrong. Wrong, no. In the sense of different. Well, that's not normal.


Source/reproduction: Pinterest

Those people who still want to be with others, who would not be the sexual option they think they have, also let them know that they are bi's. This becomes even clearer with those urges that usually appear to experience what they are not used to.

How about reading a little about erotic stories? You will definitely love it! And just let things flow, happen. Including, from these readings, you will know a lot of things, you know?

Even how interesting this bisexual world is. And how full of intensity it can be.


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