news with the tag orgasm

  • Is there an age for orgasm? What do you think?

    Is there an age for orgasm? Have you ever asked yourself this? So know that, this is one of the questions that a lot of people ask themselves. And, more than that: by not researching the answers, many older people believe that, due to their age, they will not be able to...

  • Weird Sex Facts You Don't Know

    Weird facts about sex abound, however, the ones on this list are so surprising that they seem like myths Sex is an amazing thing. Few people don't like to experience the moments of pleasure it provides, however, there are some facts involving...

  • Female orgasm what is it? Know more about it

    Female orgasm what is it? What happens during those seconds when the brain and genitals deliver a burst of pleasure in the body during sex? How does a woman explain a female orgasm from a scientific point of view? Experts speak of four stages during the...

  • Facts about sex that you may not know

    Sex is good and everyone does it, but there are some fun facts about it that you may not know. Curious or interesting facts, pleasant or not, they exist and if you want to know a little about them, then you need to read this article! Just so you have...