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Semen and female happiness! Goodbye depression...  

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A scientific study has proven that, in addition to semen and female happiness having all the relationship in the world, it manages to keep them away from depression.

Everyone knows that sexual relations are based a lot on the idea of ​​pleasure for men. But with women it is no different, no. They get a lot of results when they reach their orgasm and more than that, when men reach his.


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And, it is not us who are saying, but studies, that even depression can be cured if things go as planned.

This can be explained very simply. During the sexual act, several endorphins are released. Thus, varied sensations, such as relaxation, are present. What happens? The happiness of all the people involved in this process. From the man, from the woman, from one or more participants in the sexual act, as you prefer.

Where does semen and female happiness come into this process? Everywhere. This is because, in the midst of all this analysis, it was proven that semen has properties that are antidepressant and thus help women in the midst of this process. What's more, they prevent depression too, for those who have contact with sperm.

That is: having sex has so many benefits, that just practicing often to get to know them all. Incidentally, sometimes we like sexual practice and we don't even realize all the possibilities it can offer us. Because we are fine with ourselves and that's it, we don't necessarily know how to explain why.

Semen and female happiness: want to know more about this study?

semen and female happiness

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The research on semen and female happiness was carried out by the Department of Psychology at the State University of New York. It was discovered that, in addition to women who have sex without a condom being countless times less depressed, some even let go of suicide attempts after they abandoned condoms.

In the middle of the study, it was noticed that women who did not use condoms had scores in their depressive assessment that increased according to the time they stayed without sex.

That is, sex really made them feel good and if it was done frequently, the benefits were countless.

What happens with regard to semen and female happiness is that the vagina ends up absorbing various components present in the semen and these can thus end up being detected in the bloodstream. This occurs hours after your exposure.

It is clear that condoms should be kept in case of relationships that prevent pregnancy and disease, but that it is wonderful and beneficial to have sex without, that is.


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It is also worth remembering that semen and female happiness are nothing new to anyone, since it was already known how many hormones it has and how beneficial they are for mood.

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