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Sexual Pleasure: explore the theme and enjoy! 

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How is your sexual pleasure? Know that by discovering some details about the subject, you can increase it and a lot. Starting with your sexual desire. And, to start a series of tips on the subject, the first of them involves excitement. It allows the body to be stimulated and experience different sensations. Thus, when the excitement is very high, orgasm will be reached.

And, for those who have doubts about how to get excited, this can happen through hugs, caresses, kisses, licks.

sexual pleasure

The options are many. And, the body parts to make it happen too. They range from erogenous zones, such as vagina, clitoris, penis, buttocks, breasts, anus, neck and navel, as well as other areas.

Also, speaking of differences, it is worth remembering that, unlike what many people think, the sexual pleasure of each one is different. That's why, there are those who think that if you do a certain thing with someone, you will feel the same thing as you felt with someone else and that doesn't always happen. Because with each sex, depending on how it goes and with whom, you'll feel something different. And that's great. Don't fall into the routine. That's why many couples talk so that, every time they have sex, they have new experiences. Even in the sense of light or strong, faster or slower. There are still couples who don't even match. Since they understand each other at the time h.

Other details about sexual pleasure


Source: Planned Parenthood/Reproduction

One of the most interesting details involves the fact that people have the taboo that, in order to have sexual pleasure, it is necessary to have intercourse per se, and this is not true. Many people take pleasure in other matters, such as hugging and stroking. This varies from person to person. And of course, it needs to be combined between the couple. There is no point in one party having pleasure and the other not.

Remembering that yes, protection is always important. And it needs to happen. After all, in addition to pleasure, having a healthy sex life is fundamental. Even more so in the case of people who opt for a frequent sex life. It is important to understand that several factors influence the entire process for sexual pleasure to occur. Among them, the biological, physical and psychological. But, it's not something general. Each case is different from the other and needs to be analyzed in this way.

And now, in case you want some tips on how to increase sexual pleasure, some of them are: controlling your anxiety, letting your creativity flow, talking and putting fetishes into practice. Also, talk and make it clear what your preferences are when it comes to sex and, if possible, take care of your diet and not overdo it with drinks.

Thus, the chances of success in the sex happening go far beyond what one can imagine. Don't miss out. You certainly won't regret it.
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