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Pornhub biggest porn site in the world

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Did you know that Pornhub is considered the biggest porn site in the world by many users? Although there is no official ranking that analyzes all the main portals of the genre, the fact that the platform annually releases numbers about its audience already says a lot.

By the way, this survey carried out by the site ends up serving to show what is trending in porn industry. After all, if users are looking for it, it's because it's successful, isn't it?!

In this post, we'll show you some of the points that make Pornhub stand out and make this site one of the biggest in the porn world today. Check out!

Pornhub: The biggest porn site in the world by numbers!

Pornhub is considered the biggest porn site in the world by many users thanks to its viewership numbers. The number of hits he has leaves many people impressed.

In 2018 alone, for example, the portal had an impressive 335,5 billion visits throughout the year. This means that the site had 92 million hits per day.

biggest porn site in the world

Source: reproduction/thenextweb

This large increase in audience is largely due to the evolution of technologies. The truth is, it has never been easier to consume pornography as people do today.

Anyone who lived through adolescence in the early days of the internet knows how difficult the task of viewing adult content was. In addition to having to wait until dawn to be able to pay less, young people also had to deal with dial-up internet. And these situations represent something that many people of the new generation have no idea what it means.

Nowadays it is possible to consume porn from anywhere. 3G technology has already improved a lot and today the vast majority already have broadband internet at home.

Content for all tastes on the biggest porn site in the world

One of the reasons why Pornhub is the biggest porn site in the world is that it has content for all tastes. There are so many categories that you can lose a few hours just enjoying the +18 videos.

Just to give you an idea, in 2018, 479 million videos were uploaded. That adds up to 1 million available hours of porn content.

For those who lived in the era of low-quality DVDs with limited themes, having this sea of ​​options seems like a real paradise. Men, women, straight, gay, everyone can find what they like on the site.

To show you how much adult content has already been uploaded to PornHub, a total of 4403 petabytes of files have been uploaded to the site. This is equivalent to all internet CONSUMED in the year 2002.

Navigability that makes all the difference

Another detail that makes Pornhub the biggest porn site in the world is its concern with the navigability of users. It is not news that currently the vast majority of people access the internet through mobile devices.

People are increasingly connected via mobile. Mainly because the mobile internet, even at slow pace, has improved considerably.

And of course the porn industry is no different. While some sites seem to have stopped in the 2000s, when the internet was starting to gain strength in Brazil, Pornhub is extremely concerned about offering the best user experience.

The site was fully designed to be responsive, thus allowing users to watch their adult videos from anywhere. Just have an internet connection.

Focus on Brazil!

Another point that makes the site stand out among the others is that it has a greater focus on Brazil. Even with our country being in the 12th position of countries that most consume content on Pornhub, the portal was careful to embrace our national porn.

So much so that he created a specific category with Brazilian porn actresses. It's like you have a new generation version of the Brasileirinhas movie just a few clicks away.

Another very nice point of the site is that it also gives space to independent productions by porn actresses from all over the world. A lot of people don't know, but the adult film industry is as, if not more, competitive than Hollywood cinema.

Therefore, having a website that values ​​amateur and independent productions helps a lot for galas that are just starting out in the market. Even the biggest porn site in the world has a YouTube-style channel system where people can subscribe and interact in other ways.

A social network for those who like porn content

And of course, in the era where social networks are prominent, PornHub would not fail to take advantage of this trend. Imagine having a social platform, like Facebook, where you could expose all your tastes when it comes to porn?

While some tools prohibit content for people over 18 years old, the biggest porn site in the world embraced its users even more and practically created a social network with exactly this proposal. You create your profile and once logged in you can make various types of interactions.

For those who like to have a more assertive search, for example, it is possible to customize preferences and tastes. Thus, the portal will always deliver what you really want, leaving aside content that is not really interesting for your profile.

Vote for your favorite videos on the world's biggest porn site

Another feature of Pornhub's social network is that you can vote for your favorite videos. This is even of great help for creating rankings of user preferences.

For those who like to always watch the same favorite videos, another feature available is to assemble playlists. Even, as in the Youtube you can leave your lists visible, thus helping other users who have the same tastes as you.

Follow porn channels and actresses

But without a doubt, one of the favorite features of the users of the biggest porn site in the world is to follow channels and actresses. So you will always be notified about the news.

That is, in addition to being able to enjoy the porn videos of your choice, you can still show your tastes without any fear. After all, if there is a segment that is very diverse and that accepts all tastes, it is the porn industry.

Do you think Pornhub is really the biggest porn site in the world? Leave your opinion in the comments.

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