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The biggest male and female fetishes of all time

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Are you wanting to give a spicy in the relationship? Then you need to know some of the biggest male and female fetishes.

That's right! With the rush of everyday life, it is very common for couples to fall into a routine. And as everyone knows, monotony in sex can lead to a series of fights and problems in the relationship. After all, sex life is one of the great pillars of any relationship.

And so that this type of problem doesn't happen to you and your partner, we've separated some of the biggest fetishes for men and women for you to know and who knows how to test with your partner. Check out!

Biggest fetishes of men and women

Men and women view sex in different ways. So it's totally understandable that everyone has their own favorite fetishes.

Of course, each person can have their own particularities, but there are some things that are more popular with everyone. Check out some of the fetishes that make men go crazy below:

Male fetish: Provocative outfits

Biggest fetishes of men and women

Source: dailymail

Believe me, men go crazy for provocative outfits. That is, they imply something, but without really showing it. This is the case with blouses with low necklines and short dresses.

These pieces manage to highlight the curves that the male sex likes the most, such as breasts, legs and butt. But at the same time it still maintains the air of mystery, which drives them crazy.

The same goes for lingerie. Corsets, garter belts, 7/8 stockings, high heels are some of the items that are popular with the male audience.

Want to drive him even crazier? Try putting on lingerie underneath a more “modest” outfit and purposely leave some part showing, like your bra strap.

Male fetish: Sexy fantasies

Biggest fetishes of men and women

Source: popsugar

There is no way to talk about the biggest fetishes of men and women without mentioning sensual fantasies. They are popular with both sexes, but are certainly more present in the male universe.

And the range of possibilities is enormous, from a nurse to a teacher. Everything is a matter of finding out what he likes.

But dressing up is not enough, you really need to embody the character. If his dream is to see the woman dressed as a police officer, the partner needs to have more domineering attitudes, no playing cute.

Now, if he likes a schoolgirl-style outfit, his partner needs to pretend to be sweeter and naive. In sexual theater anything goes.

Male fetish: Filming: light, camera and action

Biggest fetishes of men and women

Source: goldcoastbulletin

One more of the male fetishes popular among the vast majority of men is filming sexual intercourse. They like to watch and review their partner's performance.

Of course, in this case, more care and confidence is needed. In times of the internet, intimate videos need to be protected under lock and key.

Couples who opt for this fetish must have trust and respect for each other. In addition, it is not recommended to store this type of content on cell phones, computers and even cloud services.

The ideal is to film, enjoy for a short time and then delete the content. After all, no one wants to get headaches from seeing their intimate moments exposed to just anyone.

Male fetish: Anal sex

Source: m.proporn

For many people this is still considered a taboo. However, one must keep in mind that people can experience pleasure in different ways. And the anus has many nerve endings that, if stimulated correctly, can drive a woman crazy.

Many women fear doing this type of fetish precisely because of the taboo regarding pain. But everything is a matter of patience and knowing how to work the region.

There are several videos on the internet that teach you how to make this moment pleasurable for both of you. In addition, of course, this type of practice requires extra care with hygiene.

Women: the biggest fetishes

Anyone who thinks that women are little flowers that only like mom and dad is wrong. The female sex can have as much or sometimes even more desire than the male.

But, it is necessary to know what types of fetishes attract them. And that's why we separate some alternatives.

threesome to troy

Yes, women want to have a threesome, yes! Of course, most men accept this type of fetish only if it is with another woman, but they are also interested in double penetration.

Biggest fetishes of men and women

Source: Youporn

That's why this type of fetish requires a good conversation between the couple. Both want to experience pleasure, and therefore need to be open to new possibilities.


Men like to be in control, but how about letting them be in charge too? Many women dream of playing the dominatrix.

source: dreamstime

Put your partner on your knees, tie them up, and even give them a few slaps. All this, of course, always with the consent of both.

A woman who takes on the dominant role is sure to drive her crazy and so will you.


Exhibitionism is a fetish that many women have, but self-esteem does not allow them to fulfill this desire. After all, to face showing off in a sexual way, she needs to be very comfortable with her body.

Biggest fetishes of men and women

Source: magichoroscope

Therefore, it is up to the partner to help, encouraging and showing how she does have a beautiful body, in her own way, which can be shown to other people.

Uniforms and Costumes

Remember we said that fantasies are one of the biggest fetishes of men and women? In their case, uniforms reign when it comes to stoking sexual desire.

Source: pickpik

While men like things more in the collegiate and even devilish style, women love a uniform; police officers, firefighters, nurses are some of the professions whose uniforms stir them up.

Some of this comes from the desire for someone in authority. Of course, everything within the sexual theater.

And here is also the same tip for women. If you're going to wear the uniform to spice up the relationship, then you embody the character.

The woman who sees her man dressed as a fireman, for example, really wants the feeling of being saved by the hero. So she's already rehearsing her staging.

Did you like to know some of the biggest fetishes of men and women? So be sure to take advantage of these tips to spice up your relationship. Enjoy and read more about fetish for pes. Innovating in sex life makes all the difference to the relationship.

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