Porn » Nude Women » What is pompoarism? Learn what this ancient technique is that promises to enhance their pleasure

What is pompoarism? Learn what this ancient technique is that promises to enhance their pleasure

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Did you know that there is a technique for strengthening vaginal muscles? Not only does it exist, but it is an ancient technique called pompoarism, which basically consists of exercises to make the muscles in the perineum and vagina region stronger. Also, the technique is simple, and with a little instruction and time, every woman can do it.

As well as most techniques, exercises and even sexual practices that are a little off the curve, there are several taboos related to sex. pomp. Some people think it's strange, or that only those who have some abnormality in their muscles should do it, or even that, when someone suggests starting the practice, they are questioning their abilities in bed. That's not it!

Pompoarism what is it

Exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. Image:

Pompoarism is a way to maintain the health of the woman's intimate region, increase sexual pleasure, strengthen the pelvic floor and also prevent problems such as urinary incontinence and hemorrhoids. Let's talk a little more about the benefits - for health and also sexual - that the practice of pompoarismo provides to women.

Women's health benefits

Most women look for pompoarism to improve sexual performance, but few are aware of the other benefits that the practice provides. In addition to increasing pleasure and strengthening the pelvic floor, pompoarism also brings other advantages.

Benefits of pompoarism in sex:

  • Increases libido;
  • Stimulates orgasm;
  • Improves vaginal lubrication;
  • Produces the feeling of tighter vagina;
  • Soothes menstrual cramps.

In addition, the practice also brings benefits to women's physical health. After all, we must remember that maintaining sexual health also directly affects the general health of women. And pompoarism can help!


Pompoarism provides several advantages for sex for two. Image:

Benefits of pompoarism on women's health:

  • Assists pregnant women in preparing for childbirth;
  • Assists in postpartum recovery;
  • Decreases menopausal symptoms;
  • Regulates the intestine;
  • Treats urinary incontinence.

You who arrived here with a question in mind, did you imagine that the answer could indicate so many benefits? Venturing out to learn about the techniques available to improve sex can also mean better health!

Who can practice?

practice pomposity

Every interested woman can practice pompoarism! Image:

There are no restrictions on who can practice pompoarismo. Any woman who is interested in self-knowledge, improvements in both masturbation and double sex, or in the extra benefits that exercises provide, can perform pompoarismo.

However, there are some recommended precautions, which are also quite simple.

During menstruation: Doing pompoarism exercises during menstruation can be a little uncomfortable due to cramps or even the flow of blood. So don't go heavy and just do what's comfortable and painless.

During the pregnancy: pompoarism is not recommended during pregnancy, as it causes muscle contractions in the vagina and uterus. The closer to the baby's due date, the greater the danger of exercises inciting contractions or even miscarriages.

During treatments for inflammation or vaginal infections:  treat inflammation or infection first before beginning exercise.

Furthermore, there are no contraindications. It's a lot of benefits, isn't it?

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