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Curiosities about the female orgasm

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The female orgasm is a very interesting phenomenon and surrounded by curiosities that we are sometimes unaware of.

Orgasm is a part of human evolution, it is still difficult to understand, despite science carrying out several studies on the subject. Because it is such a misunderstood topic, there are still several things you may not know about the subject. For years, several studies have been carried out and now you discover a little more about the curiosities surrounding the female orgasm.

Wet dreams


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Women have the ability to reach orgasm during sleep, just like the so-called wet dreams, which occur among men. According to some studies, around 37% of women will have at least one orgasm during their sleep, unlike men, the frequency increases with age. Female orgasms during sleep do not depend on any other factor, the woman can be single, married, sexually active or not.

The shape of the lips influences the ability to reach climax


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There are several factors that make it easier for one woman to reach orgasm than another, however, some scientists believe that the shape of the lips may have an influence on this issue. Studies carried out with Scottish women have investigated that those with a larger upper lip are more likely to reach orgasm with vaginal penetration.

Affects the region of the brain responsible for addiction



In some successful studies, scientists have been able to find connections between orgasms and brain regions. Orgasm can affect the brain in a way that few things can. The effects on women are much more intense. One of these brain regions is reward, playing a role in addiction to things like gambling or drugs. In other words, orgasm can be completely addictive.

Orgasm is not always noticeable


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Fiction and stories told by people portray orgasm as devastating, with very clear physical signs, making the man certain when his partner has reached climax. The reality is very different in many cases, of course there are women who make this very obvious, however, others can have an orgasm and you may not even know about it. Many women report having orgasms without contractions or the famous tremors in their limbs and science still does not know why, although several studies are carried out.

It is a natural pain reliever

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In all the research carried out regarding orgasm, we concluded that it has a special connection with the brain. Research shows the connection between orgasm and pain, as it has a blocking effect, curiously similar to the effect of morphine. Orgasm more than doubles a woman's ability to withstand pain.

The absence of orgasm may be a genetic factor



Unfortunately, many women cannot reach orgasm no matter what they do and how good the sex is. According to science, 10 to 15% of women have anorgasmia, a word that means the inability to reach orgasm, despite all the efforts a woman makes. Studies suggest a link between anorgasmia and genetics. Researchers report that some women are evolutionarily picky about who they have an orgasm with, that is, basically the bodies of some of them are designed not to have orgasms, unless it is with the ideal partner to procreate.

Paraplegic women can have orgasms


Of course, nerve endings and their stimuli facilitate female climax, however, the climax happens in the brain, according to some theories. Although we cannot yet rule out or confirm, there is evidence that people who suffer from spinal cord injuries are able to reach climax.

The female climax is still full of mysteries, science is acquiring more and more resources to discover more and more about the topic. Who knows, many women with anorgasmia problems may experience a much fuller and more satisfying sex life.

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