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Book 'Bixa Ethics' and the reflection of the current political situation

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Have you heard of the book Cool Ethics? If the answer is no, this is a work that should be on your reading list as soon as possible.

Written by one of the first theorists to think about Queer Theory (which basically talks about demystifying the relationship between biological sex and gender), philosopher and psychoanalyst Paco Vidarte created this literary work in just three weeks. And this is a warning he leaves right away in the book.

Entitled “Bixa Ethics – Libertarian Proclamations for an LGBTQ militancy”, this material is considered one of the most powerful manifestos in relation to sexualities and dissident identities. In addition to raising several questions about this debate, it also offers several theoretical insights into the current political situation.

Ética Bixa, the book that needs to stay at your bedside

The book Ética Bixa is written in the first person and brings several questions and reflections on the values ​​of society and politics. In addition, it also raises debates about the LGBTQ community itself.

It may not seem like it, but within the community itself there are still many reflections that need to be done. Especially in relation to the codes of conduct that many people expect members to have.

More about the author of Ética Bixa

The author of Ética Bixa has a lot of cultural baggage and knowledge about the LGBTQ+ community. Including why his work has made so much noise.

Book 'Bixa Ethics' and the reflection of the current political situation

Source: publicinsta

Vidart graduated from the Universidad de Comillas (Extraordinary Licentiate Award) and had a master's degree in psychoanalytic theory. In addition, he also served as a professor at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Uned).

A contemporary philosopher, he began to gain notoriety after publishing several works on Jacques Derrida. In 2003 he had a major milestone in his career, as it was when he became director of the Uned open teaching course “Introduction to Queer Theory”.

He has also published a series of books in partnership with other authors. Among them is the acclaimed Queer Theory: Policies Bolleras, Maricas, Trans, Mestizas”, made collaboratively with Javier Sáez and David Córdoba (Egales, 2005).

O Cool Ethics and the urgent need to do something

When talking about the LGBTQ+ movement, many people look away and don't want to talk about it. Including members of the community itself!

It may not seem like it, but in the midst of an era considered super advanced, where people can express themselves, LGBTQ+ rights and struggles still do not have the recognition they deserve. If, on the one hand, the political situation in several countries is complicated, as is the case in Brazil with the current administration of Jair Bolsonaro, on the other hand, there are internal problems in the community that many still turn a blind eye to.

This is the case, for example, of harassment between gays, or even the machismo present within a space that should be welcoming. And the book Ética Bixa brings several reflections that contribute to this type of debate.

The main objective of this book is to generate movement. It's taking people out of the state of "everything is fine", when in fact it is not. And some data shows this:

Legalization of same-sex marriage

Only 20 countries that hold seats at the UN have already passed laws that legalize affective marriage. The others still do not give due importance to the subject, and in some cases even considered homoaffective relationships as crimes.

LGBTphobia crimes

LGBTphobia crimes, despite not gaining as much notoriety as others, are in large numbers in the country and are growing more and more. According to research carried out by a Brazilian NGO, every 20 hours, an LGBT person dies in Brazil because they are LGBT.

That is to say, they die because of LGBTphobia. Another terrifying fact on the subject is that from 2017 to 2018, the number of deaths due to LGBTQphobia rose by 30%.

And these are just some data on the subject, the number of complaints about violence has also increased. Especially during the election period, after controversial statements by the then candidate and now current president, Jair Bolsonaro.

Intolerance of various countries

As much as the debate has been expanded, the situation in general regarding the LGBTQ+ community is still quite worrying. In about 70 countries around the world, for example, same-sex relationships are considered crimes.

Worst of all, many of them are crimes punishable by death. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that in several nations there are still policies that curb movements in favor of LGBTQ+ rights.

This is the case in Russia, for example, where “gay propaganda” is prohibited. That is, people cannot speak or even demonstrate anything that has a connection with homoaffective relationships.

Another alarming fact is the fact that there are “gay healing clinics” where young people go through real physical and psychological torture. All this, unfortunately, with the authorization of family members and even the Governments themselves.

The importance of reflections on the movement

Book 'Bixa Ethics' and the reflection of the current political situation 1

Source: pixabay

It doesn't matter if you are part of the LGBTQ+ community, are discovering more about your own sexuality and therefore seek information on the subject, or are straight and simply think that everyone has the right to love. Reflections on the movement are essential for promoting a more egalitarian society.

Both about the role of Governments in protecting people, as well as the behavior of people in the community. All this ends up promoting a growth of the debate.

And the more people talking about it, the better. It is also necessary to break established taboos within the community itself, such as, for example, the way people call their orientations, and how sexual identity has no connection with the person's birth gender.

So it's worth doing this reading, as well as others that help you expand your horizons about the movement and everything it encompasses.

The book Ética Bixa is now available in several bookstores, including in e-book format! So be sure to guarantee yours and guarantee more reflections on the subject.

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