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Crossdressing: A lifestyle

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Crossdressing: Learn all about this practice so common that it is still seen as quite taboo

Crossdressing: a lifestyle

Crossdressing: a lifestyle

Meet another sexual fetish: crossdressing

The term crossdresser refers to an individual who adopts stereotyped clothing or characteristics referring to the opposite sex. Out of ignorance, many people confuse the followers of this practice with transsexual people, two completely different things.

While trans people identify with the opposite sex, both in terms of clothing and behavior, and sometimes even their sexual orientation is aimed at someone of the same biological sex, this does not happen with trans people. crossdressers.

These, generally identify with their biological sex, may be attracted to people of the opposite sex, start a family and live a life within heteronormativity, however, find satisfaction and pleasure by presenting and dressing as people of the opposite sex in certain moments.

Practice over time


Although more recently this practice has gained strength, it has existed for a long time, being portrayed in soap operas and movies. Who doesn't remember the villain of Psycho, who wore his mother's clothes? In addition, in the 1950s, in New York, there was a place called Casa Susanna, where heterosexual and married men, mostly, could attend, arrange meetings and release their fantasies.

These men lived together like women in that place, everything in the most absolute secrecy. Contrary to what many might think, this type of establishment was not a den dedicated to sex, but rather, to carry out common tasks aimed at women at the time. In this way, these men spent the day cleaning the house, organizing afternoon teas, doing photo shoots, playing games, etc.

Sexual expression deviates from standard norms

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Our society is made up of a huge diversity of identities and ways of expressing them, therefore, the practice of crossdressing is extremely common, you can talk and cross paths with an adept every day and not even imagine, since it has nothing to do with with sexual orientation.

In some cases, we become aware of men who use their wife's lingerie or a female relative, and also those who take advantage of festive dates, such as Halloween and Carnival, to vent their most intimate desires.

Of course, not all men and women who dress up as people of the opposite sex can be classified as crossdressers, however, there is a portion that fits this profile.

Motivations for crossdressing


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The motivations for the practice are many, however, some people dress like the opposite sex to explore different aspects of their personality. Other people believe that crossdressing brings a greater sense of freedom and authenticity. For others, it is the pursuit and achievement of aesthetic pleasure, while for other groups of crossdressers it can provide more sexual pleasure, strengthening self-confidence and self-acceptance.

Meet another sexual fetish: crossdressing

Cross dressing It is a sexual fetish involving the practice of dressing in clothing and adopting the appearance associated with the opposite gender. For many people, this is a unique and exciting way to express their gender identity.

Crossdresser porn pictures

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Um crossdresser someone who occasionally wears clothing and looks associated with the opposite gender. It is often a form of gender expression, and can be carried out in public or private contexts.

Exploring the lure of the unusual

The fetish is often related to the attraction to the unusual and to breaking traditional gender norms. The mix of feminine and masculine elements creates a unique dynamic that arouses curiosity and attraction.

Accept yourself, invest in your achievements!


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Acceptance of the practice of crossdresser and some others, can be very complex for the individual. This is because our society is not prepared to deal with this type of difference. However, it is extremely important to be honest with yourself and work to combat bigotry and prejudice.

Dialogue is still and always will be the best way to combat these evils, so be happy knowing that there is nothing wrong with being a crossdresser. This is just one of the countless human variations.

Check out one of the best crossdresser sites:

Porn Videos With Crossdressing

O crossdresser fetish is an example of how the diversity of human sexuality can lead to unique and intriguing interests. The attraction to this gender expression is often linked to the search for something new and different, challenging conventional norms and exploring the limits of sexuality and identity.

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