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Bloxing is more common than you might think.

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Data studies show that broxing is a fact among various ages, affecting more as men age. They suffer, but few actually seek treatment, if necessary. Erectile dysfunction are words that make many men nervous. It's a very personal subject that many find it embarrassing to talk about.


Generally, men who do not seek professional help are left with the feeling that they are alone with their problem. Broxing is very common, but many men don't pay enough attention to know exactly why. Let's see how to deal with it in a lighter and more objective way.

Bloxing is more common than you might think.

So what is an erectile dysfunction? The inability to get an erection, or to maintain an erection during sex. Can you tell what happens? When the man is excited, the veins in the penis dilate and allow blood to circulate through the veins. All commanded by the brain, which sends chemical messages. Blood pressure makes erection happen and if it stays that way, if the blood is not enough, or if it leaves easily from the veins in the region, erectile dysfunction can happen.

Symptoms, including difficulty keeping the penis erect, problems getting an erection, and, in more severe cases, loss of interest in sex. As human nature is complex, it can be difficult to find the specific cause. Horny starts in the brain, which involves muscles, veins, nervous system, apart from the interference of emotions and hormones.

Generally speaking, the causes that lead to broxing are divided into two parts: the psychological and the physical. Although each category has its reasons and factors, many cases involve both aspects.

physical reasons

The most frequent cause is linked to blood pressure and blood circulation. High cholesterol, heart problems, high blood pressure, has a great influence on blood circulation. Some medications contribute to awakening or augmenting factors. Slow metabolism, also linked to excess weight, can lead to impotence. Other diseases potentiate, so seeking medical help is the first step towards improvement.

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psychological reasons

In many cases, the origin of the problem is psychological. Especially in men who are over forty years old. Seeing that arousal starts in the brain, mental dysfunctions are factors that turn into nightmares for erections. Anxiety and depression are psychological conditions that cause a low libido, making it harder for him to feel aroused. The stress factor contributes negatively by interfering with allowing blood to flow to the penis. Despite being a difficult cause to detect, the person should strive to find such a diagnosis. Without proper treatment, a psychological reason worsens anxiety, leads to low self-esteem, affective relationship shakes, more frequent erection failures.


Since you've learned more about some of the causes that men turn down, you should be able to check out how the movement is going. If you've experienced any of the symptoms mentioned above, schedule a visit to the doctor right now. When choosing to be treated, tell the professional you trust everything about, how often it happens and if it is always too severe. With his help, the best treatment will be passed.

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Broxar can be a not very pleasant condition, nobody talks about it much, which delays the knowledge of the cause and makes the problem never be solved. The best way out to avoid health problems is to have self-knowledge, go to the root to cut the evil. Stop having bad experiences during the sexual performance. Be aware of yourself, always talk to your doctor.

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