Porn » Escorts (Page 3)


  • Life as a luxury escort

    Life as an escort: The term escort is used for women who work as sexual partners; this is the difference between prostitutes that usually come together in the attributes that the woman in question has. What do luxury escorts offer? ...

  • Being a Sugar Baby: Key Features

    Being a sugar baby: Imagine the possibility of conquering an older man, with a lot of money, and having a quiet life, without having to worry about work, paying bills and living an uninterrupted vacation routine. It would be amazing, wouldn't it? Well this is...

  • Luxury escorts: I changed the Xvideos

    The dream of many women is to become luxury escorts. And that's because they usually earn a lot of money, as the name implies, accompanying men in their various activities. Goals can be individual or mutual, but all you know is that they...